Mirror – Dream Meaning and Symbolism - Dream Astro Meanings (2024)

Mirrors are objects which reflect light in a way that enables the surroundings in front of the mirror to be reflected and seen within the mirror.

They are usually used by humans to groom or admire themselves, for decorative purposes and in architecture, but also in traffic, to view the area which is otherwise invisible by drivers and make driving safer.

Before inventing the mirror, humans used still surfaces of water. First man manufactured mirrors were made of polished stone like obsidian. Such examples were found in Anatolia, Turkey and date back around 6000 BC.

Also, polished copper was used as mirror in Mesopotamia and Egypt, dating back to 4000 BC and 3000 BC. In Central and South America polished stone mirrors were found dating back 2000 BC. In China and India, mirrors were made of metal mixtures, such as copper.

Glass was an excellent and desirable material for making mirrors because it produces reflections with little blurriness.

The downside of glass is its lack of reflectivity, so it was necessary to mix it with metals to increase it. Pliny the Elder wrote that metal-coated glass mirrors were invented in Sidon (Lebanon) in the first century AD.

The first glass mirrors were very fragile and thin and because of that and their high cost, metal mirrors, usually made of steel were used mostly until late in the nineteenth century.

Mirrors are an object most people use daily, which is why it often finds its way into our dreams as well. Mirror dreams usually don’t have a major significance being such a common thing in our lives, but in some cases, they bring an important message to the dreamer.

The main characteristic of mirrors is their reflectivity. Because of that, mirrors represent the process of self-assessment. The dream could have a relation to the way you perceive yourself as well as your idea how you desire to be perceived by others.

These dreams could often reveal issues with self-love and self-esteem and that is why they shouldn’t be ignored.

Mirrors in dreams are often a sign of good intentions, humility and pure heart. It is a sign of appreciation because of your helpfulness and kind nature.

Mirror – Dream Meaning and Symbolism - Dream Astro Meanings (1)

Dreaming about buying a mirror – If you dreamed about acquiring a mirror by buying it, the dream could represent an advice to do some self-assessment or try to understand your needs and urges better.

This dream could also indicate being admired and complimented by someone you don’t know.

Dreaming about selling a mirror – If you dreamed you were selling a mirror, the dream is usually a sign of fake compliments made to you or made by you to someone out of interest.

Dreaming about receiving a mirror as a gift – If you dreamed of receiving a mirror from someone as a gift, the dream could indicate your expectations from that person or your expectations from someone else. In some cases, the dream indicates wondering whether you have lived up to some person’s expectations.

Dreaming about giving someone a mirror as a gift – If you dreamed about giving a mirror to someone as a gift, the dream is a sign of your admiration towards that person, or towards someone else.

It could indicate getting some good advice from someone that will help you solve some long-term problem.

Dreaming about breaking a mirror – Breaking a mirror usually has a negative connotation, and when you dream about it, the meaning depends on the fact if you broke the mirror on purpose or it was an accident.

If it was an accident, the dream might be an indication of bad luck you could experience and failure to succeed in some projects. If you intentionally broke a mirror in your dream, this dream could be a sign of your will and motivation to change and get rid of some bad habits and beliefs.

It could indicate making changes and personal transformations by force.

Dreams about breaking a mirror could indicate doing something against your morality and nature to get something you desire, like a job or winning over a rival.

Dreaming about a broken mirror – If you dreamed about seeing or using a cracked mirror, the dream is a sign of having a bad self-image, or not seeing yourself in the true light. Maybe you see yourself better or worse than in reality you are.

It might also indicate underestimating yourself and not appreciating your qualities.

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream could indicate the potential of being cheated or betrayed by someone.

Dreaming about cleaning a mirror – If you dreamed you were cleaning a mirror and wiping dirt of it, the dream is likely a good sign, indicating the transformations you are undergoing and changing your personality.

Cleaning a mirror in a dream is often a sign of getting repaid by someone for the favors and help you did for them. It could also indicate doing someone a favor, often to some of your family members.

Dreaming about a dirty mirror – If you dreamed about a dirty mirror, the dream usually reveals some of your bad habits that are jeopardizing you and your life. These habits might also distort the way you perceive yourself and undermine your self-value.

The dream is a sign that you need to get rid of these habits soon.

Dreaming about not seeing your reflection in the mirror – If you dreamed about looking at a mirror, but not seeing your reflection inside, the dream should be considered a warning sign. This dream could indicate losing your identity for some reason.

Maybe some circ*mstances in your life require to conform to other people desires and wishes without being able to refuse doing so.

A dream about not being able to see your reflection in a mirror could also indicate realizing that you didn’t make a mistake in some situation, although you were convinced of making it.

Dreaming about seeing another person’s reflection instead of yours – If you dreamed about seeing some other person’s reflection in the mirror instead of seeing yourself, the dream could be a sign of personal changes and transformations you have undergone and you feel like a completely different person.

It could also indicate doing something out of the ordinary way of doing things.

Seeing another person’s reflection while looking at a mirror in a dream could be a sign of some loyal friend taking your fault as their own.

Dreaming about a mirror falling to the ground – If you dreamed about a mirror falling to the ground, the dream is likely a sign of your desire to change some part of your personality or physical appearance.

Dreaming about a foggy mirror – If you dreamed about a mirror that was so foggy that you couldn’t see your image properly, the dream is a sign that you have a confused outlook on yourself and your identity.

You probably don’t know whether you are headed in the right direction and following your true heart’s desires. You most likely feel unsure about what is your true purpose in life.

Dreaming about a black mirror – If you dreamed about a black mirror reflection, the dream is not a good sign. It often signifies depression, hopelessness, and loss of faith.

Maybe you feel lost in regards to your identity and you don’t know which steps to take. Maybe you feel as if your appearance doesn’t reflect who you really are.

Dreaming about a bathroom mirror – If you saw a bathroom mirror in a dream, the dream is a sign that you should devote some time to yourself and nurture your personality and needs.

Dreaming about a big mirror – If you saw a big mirror in a dream, the dream might represent your attempts to assess your life from a bigger perspective. Maybe you desire to change the way you present yourself to others. If you were dressing in front of the mirror, the dream usually is related to your sense of value and outwards appearance.

Dreaming about a hand mirror – If you dreamed about a small mirror, the dream often reveals your desire to constantly evaluate yourself and your worth. In some cases, the dream reveals your vanity and obsession with the way you look.

A dream about a hand mirror could be a sign that you need to relax a bit and stop worrying about other people’s opinions about you. You don’t need to be perfect.

Dreaming about seeing yourself naked in a mirror – If you dreamed about seeing yourself naked in a mirror, the dream is often a bad sign. According to some interpretations, the dream of looking at yourself naked in the mirror is a sign of an upcoming illness you might try to hide from others.

Dreaming about a framed mirror – If you dreamed of looking at a framed mirror, the dream usually reflects your humility and modest nature. You don’t want to stand out from the crowd and you are happiest when you are not in the center of attention.

Dreaming about looking at a mirror – If you dreamed about looking at a mirror, the dream is likely a good sign, indicating that you will be able to see through some people’s intentions and be able to react in time to prevent them from harming you.

In some cases, this dream could indicate changing your personal style and some of your main habits to copy a lifestyle and looks of a person you like and admire.

Dreaming about hanging a mirror on a wall – If you dreamed about hanging a mirror on a wall, the dream is usually a sign that some long-time admirer will finally approach to you and admit how they feel.

Dreaming about animals reflected in a mirror – If you dreamed about seeing animals’ reflection in a mirror, that dream is not a good sign. This dream could indicate some difficult times, misfortunes, and losses you could soon experience. It is a sign of loss of good luck and disappointments.



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Mirrors are objects that reflect light in a way that enables the surroundings in front of the mirror to be reflected and seen within the mirror. They are commonly used by humans for grooming, admiring oneself, decorative purposes, and in architecture. Mirrors are also used in traffic to allow drivers to view areas that are otherwise invisible, making driving safer.

Before the invention of mirrors, humans used still surfaces of water. The first manufactured mirrors were made of polished stone, such as obsidian, and examples of these mirrors have been found in Anatolia, Turkey, dating back to around 6000 BC. Polished copper was also used as a mirror in Mesopotamia and Egypt, dating back to 4000 BC and 3000 BC, respectively. In Central and South America, polished stone mirrors dating back to 2000 BC have been discovered. In China and India, mirrors were made of metal mixtures, such as copper.

Glass became an excellent material for making mirrors because it produces reflections with little blurriness. However, glass lacks reflectivity, so it was necessary to mix it with metals to increase its reflectivity. Metal-coated glass mirrors were invented in Sidon (Lebanon) in the first century AD. The first glass mirrors were fragile and thin, so metal mirrors, usually made of steel, were predominantly used until the late nineteenth century.

Mirrors have become an object that most people use daily, and they often find their way into our dreams as well. Mirror dreams usually represent the process of self-assessment and can reveal issues with self-love and self-esteem. They can also symbolize good intentions, humility, and a pure heart. The interpretation of mirror dreams can vary depending on the specific actions or situations depicted in the dream.

Here are some common interpretations of mirror dreams:

  1. Dreaming about buying a mirror: This dream suggests the need for self-assessment or understanding your needs and desires better. It can also indicate being admired or complimented by someone you don't know.

  2. Dreaming about selling a mirror: This dream may symbolize fake compliments or insincere actions motivated by self-interest.

  3. Dreaming about receiving a mirror as a gift: This dream could indicate your expectations from someone or wondering if you have lived up to someone's expectations.

  4. Dreaming about giving someone a mirror as a gift: This dream signifies admiration towards that person and the potential for receiving valuable advice.

  5. Dreaming about breaking a mirror: Breaking a mirror can have negative connotations. Accidentally breaking a mirror may indicate bad luck or failure to succeed in projects, while intentionally breaking a mirror can symbolize the desire for personal change and transformation.

  6. Dreaming about a broken mirror: Seeing or using a cracked mirror in a dream suggests having a negative self-image or underestimating oneself. It may also indicate the potential for being deceived or betrayed by someone.

  7. Dreaming about cleaning a mirror: Cleaning a mirror in a dream is generally a positive sign, representing personal transformations and positive changes in one's personality. It can also symbolize being repaid for favors or helping others.

  8. Dreaming about a dirty mirror: A dirty mirror in a dream reveals bad habits that are jeopardizing one's life and self-perception. It suggests the need to get rid of these habits.

  9. Dreaming about not seeing your reflection in the mirror: This dream is a warning sign, indicating a potential loss of identity or feeling compelled to conform to others' desires and expectations.

  10. Dreaming about seeing another person's reflection instead of yours: Seeing someone else's reflection in the mirror suggests personal changes and transformations. It can also indicate doing things differently or someone taking responsibility for your faults.

  11. Dreaming about a mirror falling to the ground: This dream represents the desire to change some aspect of your personality or physical appearance.

  12. Dreaming about a foggy mirror: A foggy mirror symbolizes confusion and uncertainty about one's identity and life purpose.

  13. Dreaming about a black mirror: A black mirror reflection signifies depression, hopelessness, and a loss of faith. It may indicate feeling lost in terms of identity and appearance.

  14. Dreaming about a bathroom mirror: Seeing a bathroom mirror in a dream suggests the need to devote time to oneself and nurture one's personality and needs.

  15. Dreaming about a big mirror: A big mirror in a dream represents the desire to assess one's life from a broader perspective. It may also reflect concerns about how one presents oneself to others.

  16. Dreaming about a hand mirror: A hand mirror in a dream signifies the desire for constant self-evaluation and self-worth. It can also indicate vanity and obsession with appearance.

  17. Dreaming about seeing yourself naked in a mirror: This dream is often considered a bad sign, suggesting an upcoming illness that one may try to hide from others.

  18. Dreaming about a framed mirror: Looking at a framed mirror in a dream reflects humility and modesty, preferring not to stand out from the crowd.

  19. Dreaming about looking at a mirror: Looking at a mirror in a dream is generally a positive sign, indicating the ability to see through people's intentions and react accordingly. It can also represent a desire to change personal style and habits.

  20. Dreaming about hanging a mirror on a wall: Hanging a mirror on a wall in a dream suggests that someone who has admired you from afar will finally approach and express their feelings.

  21. Dreaming about animals reflected in a mirror: Seeing animals' reflections in a mirror in a dream is considered a negative sign, indicating difficult times, misfortunes, and potential losses.

It's important to note that dream interpretations can vary, and personal experiences and emotions should be taken into account when analyzing dreams.

Mirror – Dream Meaning and Symbolism - Dream Astro Meanings (2024)
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